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Bring On The Charity Shield Against The Dragons

Exclusive by Greg Inglis

HOW good is it to have the footy back?

From a player’s point of view, let me tell you that we’re glad the off-season is behind us and that we can get out there and play some games.

The pre-season? Torturous. Our coach Michael Maguire is constantly challenging us as players and as a team. He wants us to better ourselves and the boys have all embraced the hard-working culture he has brought to South Sydney.

This Friday night it’s the Charity Shield – a game all Rabbitohs and Dragons supporters look forward to each year.

It’s the last trial game before the regular season begins and it means a lot to both clubs in terms of the charities we support – Souths Cares and the St George Foundation. Both charities do wonderful work in the community.

There is great spirit in the Rabbitohs camp as we head into the new season.

Two of our new players, Jeff Lima and Ben Te’o, are real characters and great to have around the club. They lighten the mood and, of course, both are great players in their own right. Ben will play his first game for the club in the Charity Shield.

I certainly feel good going into the new season. I’ve got a strong pre-season under my belt and I’ve been more disciplined with my diet.

The club has specialists in nutrition in place and the players are taking advantage of that, and everyone is looking fit and strong.

Rabbitohs Members and supporters should keep an eye out Friday night for two energetic young players fast emerging at the club. Halfback Luke Keary and utility back Dylan Walker are both working hard and looking terrific. They were under-20s players last year and have a big future in the game.

I hear Stadium Australia will look a bit different for this year’s Charity Shield, with the Soundwave music festival stage already in place.

I love Metallica – the headline act at Soundwave on Sunday. They have a cool song called One. Has a good ring to it, given I’ll be wearing the No.1.

Oh, and remember that all registered junior rugby league players will get in to Stadium Australia free Friday night for the Charity Shield – just remember to bring your NRL Junior Pass.

*Greg Inglis is an Stadium Australia ambassador and writes regularly for our website and STADIUM magazine.

To secure your ticket to the Charity Shield (Friday 22 February), please click here.

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